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I like the things loud go boom, 
or soft go quiet 
and all the pretty colors to. 
Also make mess and don't clean up.

I am not who you think,
Out here, I run as zu1t. 
So my question to you is, 
are you zu1t'd to? 

internet is old now,
used to be a social interweb
Perhaps you've heard 
of dead internet theory? 
so here we ares' you and me 
in the dead internets. 
reading randomness 
just like it's 1999. 

Do you like VHS and CRT screens? 
I'm just asking for a friend. 
To many words to English,.. 
wake up one day not think in words any mores 
but think in sound and color. 
I Re-wrote the dictionary 
with runes and finger paints 
and hand outlined turkeys.
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I upload videos to my YT Channel. @zulteric.

I write articles about FtardFuel NRG drink.

I am constantly planning, and re-organizing on

Sometimes I upload nonsense on github.

Don’t be afraid to tell me you love me because you do.